What Types Of Stairs Are Available When Remodeling

February 23, 2024

Change Your Home With The Power Of Stairways

The types of stairs within a home are utilitarian, yes—but they are so much more. They function as a central ‘wayfinder,’ directing movement, sightlines, and a broader appreciation of space within a residence. In a remodeling context, stairs are an integral part of the living environment and should be treated as such. A stylish and appropriate stair design can improve the circulation of your home, add significant resale value, and provide a daily source of pleasure.

Stairways are an often-overlooked architectural element in home design that bridge the multi-level character of our dwellings. For anyone looking to remodel their home, considering the different types of stairs available can be a thrilling part of the design process. It’s an opportunity to add character, style, and sometimes even a touch of luxury to your home. Learning about these essential types of structures can help you in creating a staircase that’s not just a link between levels but a focal point of your home’s design.



Exploring the Diverse Spectrum of Types of Stairs

Staircases come in a wealth of designs, and for every home, there’s a staircase that’s not just a fitting solution but the ideal enhancement. Here, we unravel 10 different types of stairs, with their respective benefits and considerations, to help you make an informed decision for your home renovation.


Straight Stairs

Straight stairs, known for their simplicity, are the most prevalent staircase design. With a linear ascent and no twists, they offer ease of construction and cost-effectiveness. Their straightforward nature makes them a popular choice for many residential and commercial spaces looking for a practical and classic staircase solution.


  • Ideal for homes with limited space
  • Straight stairs take up the least floor area
  • Provide a simple, clean look to your home’s interior

Considerations: These stairs can be steep, which can make climbing and descending a bit more challenging. They also don’t offer as much design flexibility as other types of stairs.


L- Shaped Stairs

L-shaped stairs, characterized by a landing that alters the direction of the staircase, provide a versatile and practical solution for homes of different architectural styles. The landing not only offers a functional change in direction but also adds a touch of elegance and space to the overall design. This design choice can enhance the aesthetic appeal of a home while serving as a functional and stylish element in the interior layout.



  • Wider landing for L-shaped stairs provides increased safety and comfort compared to straight stairs.
  • Easier fitting into spaces with bends or walls due to the design of L-shaped stairs.

Considerations: They require a fair amount of space and can sometimes be difficult to fit into smaller homes.


U-Shaped Stairs

Similar to L-shaped stairs, U-shaped stairs feature a distinctive wider turning point that adds a touch of elegance to the design. This design not only saves linear space but also provides a grander aesthetic appeal to the staircase structure.


  • U-shaped stairs offer a spacious landing area.
  • Ideal for homes with ample space.
  • Creates an impressive and expansive entryway

Considerations: Because of their design, they can require a bit more space for both the stairs themselves and the open area within which they flow.


Winder Stairs

Winder stairs, a type of staircase design, consist of either L-shaped or U-shaped configurations. These stairs feature a series of triangular steps known as winders, which cleverly replace the need for a traditional landing in a compact and space-saving manner.


  • Space-efficient design
  • Aesthetically pleasing
  • Eliminates the need for a large landing
  • Stylish addition to any home

Considerations: They can be difficult to ascend and descend for some due to the irregular steps and a change in direction. Due to their unconventional nature, building codes often have strict guidelines for winder stairs, so they might require more planning and oversight during construction.


Spiral Stairs

Spiral stairs are a popular compact and space-saving solution in architecture and interior design. They typically consist of circular stair steps that gracefully radiate around a central pole or axis. These elegant staircases not only serve a functional purpose but also add a touch of sophistication and style to any space they are installed in.


  • Ideal for compact spaces
  • Iconic design element
  • Adds significant value to your home

Considerations: They are not the most practical staircase for frequent daily use, as they can be narrow, and the treads are typically not very deep. Spiral stairs are more often used as secondary or ornamental staircases.


Helical Stairs

Helical stairs, often confused with spiral stairs, present a distinct architectural feature distinguished by a wider and more elegant curve. These stairs typically maintain a uniform step shape and tread size, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the structure they are part of. The graceful curvature of helical stairs adds a touch of sophistication and style to any space.


  • Stunning centerpiece for a home
  • Smooth and elegant transition between floors
  • More comfortable to use than spiral stairs
  • Wide, sweeping design for accessibility in certain circumstances

Considerations: Helical stairs can be space-consuming, as they often need more room along one entire wall to achieve the desired effect. They are a complex and costly option that requires careful planning and skilled craftsmanship to construct.


Curved Stairs

Curved stairs are a stunning architectural feature, often found in elegant homes and buildings. Their design showcases a gentle, arc-shaped curve, distinguishing them from the more tightly wound spiral or helical staircase styles. The graceful sweep of a curved staircase adds a touch of sophistication and luxury to any space, making it a focal point that impresses visitors and residents alike.


  • Architectural marvel
  • Powerful design statement
  • Smooth, continuous flow from level to level
  • Focal point of the home

Considerations: Curved stairs are a high-end choice that takes up substantial space and can be expensive to build. It’s essential to work with a skilled contractor and architect when considering this option.


Straight Run With Central Landing

This staircase design showcases a central landing, providing a focal point for the straight flights of stairs that gracefully ascend on either side, elegantly converging at the center point.


  • Breaking up a long staircase effectively
  • Providing a landing for aesthetic purposes
  • Ensuring compliance with building codes

Considerations: This type of staircase can take up a fair amount of linear space and may not be as luxurious or interesting as other curved or ornate options.


Split Stairs

Split stairs are a unique staircase design feature that incorporates a landing to segment the flight of stairs into two smaller sections, each leading in distinct directions. This design not only adds architectural interest but also enhances the flow and aesthetics of the space.


  • Enhanced privacy
  • Conveniently serves different areas of the home

Considerations: They can be space-consuming and must be properly integrated into the home’s layout to avoid feeling disjointed or inconvenient.


Space Saving Stairs

Space-saving stairs come in various designs, including alternating treads or half-spiral designs. They are specially constructed to maximize vertical space while occupying very little horizontal footprint.


  • Ideal for lofts, attics, or space-constrained areas
  • Offers excellent functionality while maintaining style
  • Can be designed to complement your home’s overall aesthetic

Considerations: Due to their unique construction, they may be more difficult to ascend and descend, and some may find them less attractive than other, more traditional stair designs.



Choosing Between Types Of Stairs For Your Best Home Fit

Selecting types of stairs for your home should be a personalized process that considers a range of factors beyond mere aesthetics. Your lifestyle, the space available, the design theme of your home, and your budget all play a critical role in determining the ideal stairway. Engaging with professionals who specialize in home remodeling, especially those who understand your local market and building regulations, can ensure that the staircase you select enhances your home in all the right ways.

Professional designers and architects can offer invaluable advice on the best stairway for your specific home and can bring perspective, experience, and creativity to the selection process. They can illustrate how each type of staircase will look and function in your space and help you balance your vision with practicality.


How To Meet Your Home’s Needs With The Right Staircase

The chosen staircase should align with the behavior patterns of those who live in the home. For instance, a functional and durable design may be a priority if you have a bustling family life. If your home sees a lot of entertaining, a grand staircase that makes a statement could be the perfect fit. A solitary dwelling or a couple may find a space-saving, contemporary spiral staircase that suits their lifestyle best.

Space is a critical consideration when choosing a staircase. Each of the types of stairs listed above has varying space requirements, and it’s essential to select a design that fits comfortably within the home’s dimensions. Budget, naturally, is a significant factor, particularly when it comes to more complex or customized designs. The cost of a staircase involves much more than simply the materials and labor—structural changes, increased utility costs, and even the potential devaluation of the home if the design doesn’t resonate with a future buyer all need to be weighed against your budget intentions.



How Gold Heart Homes Can Assist You

Remodeling a home is as much an art as it is a science, with the selection of the right staircase being a fundamental part of the process. It requires careful thought, planning, and consideration of various architectural, design, and practical influences. Understanding the types of stairs available and how each can contribute to the overall ambiance of your home is a vital step in the remodeling process. With Gold Heart Homes by your side, transforming your living space into the home of your dreams and choosing the best stair type for your home becomes an effortless and rewarding endeavor. 

Within Kansas City, MO, Gold Heart Homes is your partner in creating dream spaces that reflect the heart, soul, and character of your family. We take pride in offering uncompromising quality, exceptional customer service, and a commitment to transparent and responsive communication. Whether you’re considering remodeling your home to sell for top dollar or transforming it into a personal oasis for you and your loved ones, our experienced team is here to guide you through every step of the remodeling process. We cater to the specific needs of our local community, ensuring that our finished products not only meet but exceed your expectations. Reach out to us today and begin your home renovation with a team that not only understands but shares your aspiration for a beautiful, functional, and uniquely tailored living space.



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